Today was the first day of school for both Rafe and Stella Ross and I could not be more pleased with how well it went. Rafe went to bed last night VERY excited about starting school and that makes this Mommy one happy girl!! He jumped out of bed this morning and ran downstairs to his breakfast choice - cinnamon rolls, bacon, banana and yogurt drink. (he also found his back to school surprise and letter from Mommy and Daddy!)
Stella Ross was also excited about her back to school treat - an Elmo balloon, book and letter from Mommy and Daddy.
The enthusiasm continued outside for pictures of my 1st grader and preschooler!

I LOVE this picture! Stella Ross ADORES her big brother!

"We're on our way!"

walking in with his great friend, Carter

When we arrived in Rafe's classroom I was busy helping him get his book bag put into the correct
cubby and Stella Ross just made herself right at home in another person's desk!!
After we left Rafe at school we made our way to Stella Ross's new school. (She is going to our church preschool one morning a week.) Stella Ross has EXTREME separation anxiety so I have been dreading this day for a long time. I was pleasantly surprised at how she responded, though. She immediately jumped down to find a toy to play with and was so content that I was able to slip out without her even noticing. Her teacher said she did well all morning, but of course she cried as soon as she saw me coming in to get her. I expected this - Rafe always did this at her age! It was so cute talking to her about her day. She would just light up when we talked about her teachers, the toys and playing with her cousin, Tucker.
Needless to say the first day of school is REALLY tiring for everyone involved. Stella Ross couldn't even make it home before falling asleep!
**Rafe had an EXCELLENT first day and we celebrated with his good buddies, Lane and Colt, over ice cream after school. He is already talking about how much fun they are going to have tomorrow!