Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Friday, September 6, 2013

A Box Full of Puppies

Pop's dog, Abby, had a litter of puppies 2 weeks ago and Stella Ross and Rafe are enjoying every minute of them.  Rafe has been especially protective of the puppies and takes wonderful care of them.  Stella Ross enjoys holding them and brushing them.  It has been almost 3 years since we had a litter of puppies so this was a much anticipated litter.  It also came as a pleasant surprise when she had 8 puppies, 6 girls and 2 boys.  It is going to be REALLY hard to let them go!

Funny quotes

Stella Ross - "Don't hate the player, hate the game!"

Gram - (as Stella Ross is singing VERY LOUDLY in the car)  "Do you know who sings that song?"
Stella Ross - "Yes I do... Daddy!"

BIG girl!

It has been a constant struggle to get Stella Ross's pacifiers away from her at night.  Most nights I would find her pacis on the floor or tucked under her pillow, but they were still THERE.  SO... to finally get rid of the temptation we took a trip to Build-A-Bear where we "stuffed" a kitty cat with ALL of her pacis.  Stella Ross was so excited about her kitty that she forgot she was losing all of her pacis.  It really did the trick!!  SO.... as a reward she chose a big girl bike.  We have been pleasantly surprised at just how much she has ridden her bike, especially since she is not a big "rider".  She loves it, is SO proud of it, and NEVER mentions her pacis.  Mission completion!!!