Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A First of Many

Unfortunately Daddy had to work all weekend, but that didn't stop us from having a lot of fun. Saturday morning I asked Rafe what he wanted to do and he chose one of his favorite places, Chuck E Cheese's. Stella Ross had never been and since the weather was SO NICE I figured most people would be outside..... WRONG! We were there with about a million other people. Thankfully Rafe is old enough to play his games by himself because once Stella Ross got a taste of being out of the stroller she was gone. She had an absolute blast, squealing in excitement. She drove cars, played games, danced to the music and played on the playground. When it was time for Rafe to redeem his tickets he even used some to buy Stella Ross a prize. What a sweet boy! I so wished I had been able to take more pictures, but I should be happy I was able to get any since I was by myself!! I am sure I will have lots more opportunities in the future.

Rafe was telling Stella Ross how much fun they were going to have!

Sunday afternoon we went to the zoo. Stella Ross had not been since she was a little baby and she loves reading about and looking at animals. Once again the weather was beautiful and we had a blast! We ended our adventure on the playground and even met up with the ice cream truck. I mean, what's a hot afternoon without ice cream??

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