I have always been a HUGE fan of Snow White. I remember one of my first trips to Disney World as a child I brought home the set of 7
dwarfs. I LOVED playing with them. When we went to Disney World last month Stella Ross was familiar with the princesses but did not really have a favorite....yet! That QUICKLY changed when we returned. I have almost all Disney movies on VHS from my childhood (yes that's right!) and luckily we still have a
tv with a
vcr and
dvd player. Stella Ross has the Snow White movie permanently fixed in Rafe's bedroom
tv. We watch it in the mornings, while I am folding clothes, when we get ready for naps, when we get ready for bed, just because we want to, etc. You get the picture. It is safe to say she is completely obsessed with everything Snow White. We only read the Snow White book now before bed (move over Dora) and we sing "Some day my prince will come" over and over. My favorite is hearing Stella Ross say, "mirror, mirror on "e" wall, who the fairest one.... o all?" It is adorable. It is amazing to me that this little girl is growing up in a house full of her brother's skeletons, cars, wrestlers, Batman, etc. and she decides she wants to dress up and be a princess!! Rafe is being a really good sport about watching Snow White constantly. I think he secretly likes it, too, and it gives him an excuse to watch. I am hoping to keep them both in this fantasy land as long as I can!
Now we are trying to broaden Stella Ross's love of princesses and move on to the Little Mermaid. She is NOT ready for this!!