Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Vacation Bible School

Stella Ross attended her very first Vacation Bible School and had a wonderful week.  The following Sunday during church the children shared the songs they learned.  This was Stella Ross's first time to perform in front of people and she was adorable.  I walked her up to the stage and turned around (fully expecting to see her following me!)  Boy did she prove me wrong.  Not only did she stay up there but she sang the words and did the motions to all of the songs.  She was SO proud of herself, too.  I am sure this is just the beginning of many, many performances by this little girl.  I can hardly wait to see what she is going to do next!!

(by the way Rafe unfortunately missed VBS this year because of baseball practice!!) 

Father's Day

Father's Day was spent by the pool laughing and relaxing.  Stella Ross and Rafe had fun doing what they do best ...  playing with the most awesome Daddy and Pop in the whole world.  They are so lucky to be loved by these two wonderful men that work so hard to provide for our family.  Happy Father's Day! We love you SO much!!

Football Camp

Rafe attended a football camp put on by the Greer High football players and coaches last week.  He went with a big group of friends and had a blast.  His favorite part was tackling the dummies!  Needless to say he was exhausted after 3 1/2 hours or running and tackling.  What a fun morning, though.  Go Jackets!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

For he's a jolly good fellow!!

Look who received the game ball at his last All-Star baseball game!!!

We were SO proud!!


Does she look like her big brother, or what???

A Visit Back "Home"

Gram, Rafe, Stella Ross and I took a quick trip to Charleston last week.  It brought back SO many wonderful memories of the years we lived in Charleston when Rafe was the exact same age Stella Ross is now. (where have the years gone :( ??) The kids had a blast at the beach and water park and did not mind the cold water temperatures one bit.  We are already anticipating our next beach trip with Daddy!!  

Monday, June 4, 2012

Awards Day

Rafe had a great school year thanks to a fabulous teacher and a wonderful group of students.  Awards Day was very special for Rafe who received awards for Science Fair, Math Superstars and March of Dimes reading.  His favorite award was his classroom award of being named the class "Fun Dip" for winning the most games in the class.  (this competitiveness DEFINITELY comes from his Daddy!).  Way to go, Rafe!  We are so proud of you.