Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Monday, June 3, 2013

A Fun Ride!

Pop was a hero yesterday when he treated Stella Ross to a pony ride.  Stella Ross LOVES animals so when Pop took Cory and Rafe fishing on his friend's farm pond we decided to join them for a tour of the barn.  Stella Ross could have stayed there all day!  She was beyond thrilled when the lady asked her if she wanted to ride the pony.

On a side note, Cory did NOT think the horses were quite so cute.  While fishing, one of the horses bit (and damaged) his brand new truck!  I have NEVER heard of that happening but apparently horses get tired of their food and enjoy the taste of cars.  I don't think Cory will be as excited as Stella Ross to go back to the farm!

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