We have officially moved back to Greer!! It is hard to believe. The past two years in Charleston just flew by. So much has happened in the last 2 weeks. We are excited about our "rental" house and are already dreading the next move. Rafe keeps saying, "Are we going to live here forever?" Moving is not for him. However, he is really excited about his new bed. Poor thing, he was hanging out of his toddler bed but his room could not accommodate a bigger one. Rafe is also enjoying the hard wood floors. He puts socks on immediately each morning and slides all over the place.
Rafe (and myself for that matter) are not used to staying at home and it has been hard for him to sit in a house with five thousand boxes and NO television. So, we took a break from the action on Wednesday and went to Frankie's Fun Park. We all had a ball. Rafe and Cory SOAKED me on the bumper boats. I looked like I had been swimming. Then Rafe rode with Cory on the go-carts. They were going so fast one time all I could see was Rafe's head sticking out from behind the steering wheel. He had slid all the way under. Next Rafe and Cory rode the Drop Zone. It is still hard for me to believe he is old enough to ride such big rides. Now that he is able to ride Cory has decided he is too old!! It makes him sick :(.
Wednesday night the drama started. Cory's friend and his little girl Rafe's age came over to visit. Rafe wanted to put on his Batman pajama's and show Hannah. He came flying through the house and stepped on the end of Cory's hammer. He sliced his heel open. Just the sight of blood alone freaks Rafe out and the pain was awful. Poor thing, he tried to be so tough in front of her. We cleaned it up and put a Batman band-aid on it and he ate a popsicle at 9:30!! Out next obstacle was to get him in the bath tub last night. He whined and whined about not wanting to get it wet! We tied a Spiderman ziploc bag around it and assured him no water would get on it. It made Rafe feel better and he jumped into the tub. As soon as he got in the tub it of course filled up with water but he did not even notice because he had that "special" bag on it. It's funny how you can trick kids and they don't even know it. It made him feel better and that is all that matters!
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