Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Monday, April 13, 2009

A Wonderful Easter!

We had a FABULOUS Easter. It was so nice to be HOME for Easter and not have to travel back to Charleston with a tired bunny! We had so many activities over the weekend. Thursday Rafe decided he wanted to make an egg tree so the Easter bunny would find our house. He had a great time playing baseball with the eggs once they were hung. I hope our poor tree survives!

Friday morning Rafe went to Gram's house to dye eggs and make a bunny cake. He had a good time for the first 30 minutes. Gram said he got so bored that he actually sat down at the kitchen table and colored! (something he NEVER does) The end result was delicious. The cake turned out great and we enjoyed eating it all weekend. GREAT JOB!!

Saturday was our Easter egg hunt at church. I have never seen so many eggs. There were hundreds and the kids managed to pick them all up in no time. Rafe came away with a TON of candy. Just what he needed!

Saturday night we left a carrot out for the Easter bunny. It looks like Rafe had been digging in the garden for the perfect one. You can tell he played outside all day!

Easter morning brought, what else, more candy! All Rafe wanted the Easter bunny to bring him was a BIG chocolate bunny. Well he found the perfect one and Rafe loves it. (now he is complaining of a belly ache. I wonder why??) The Easter bunny also brought Rafe a Superman costume. He was so excited to have those BIG muscles.

Next we headed to church. Rafe has really been looking forward to wearing his new Easter clothes. He was so proud of his hat and kept it on all morning at church. He calls it his "tam"!

After church we ate at Pop and Gram's. Rafe enjoyed playing with the dogs, hitting baseballs, playing with his new Leapster (thank you Pop and Gram) and, of course, hunting MORE eggs. Some of these were even filled with money!

Last night we ate at Nana and Papa's. Rafe had a ball hunting eggs and playing with his cousins. He was able to find more eggs with money. Wonder how long he will save all of his money??

We could not have asked for a better Easter. Needless to say Rafe was extremely tired last night. He even slept until 8:00 this morning which is REALLY late for him.

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