Friday night Cory started Part 1 of a two-day firework show. Rafe enjoyed the fireworks, from our garage!! If he didn't know what they were going to do he stood beside the cars until the coast was clear. Then he would run out and help Cory get the next one ready. He did enjoy the sparklers!
Saturday morning we went with Gram and Pop to the Indian "station" as Rafe calls it. Pop has wanted to take Rafe to Cherokee for quite some time now and "they" enjoyed it! Rafe got a gun, an arrowhead and a sling shot (just what he needed!). Gram was completely miserable and said she will "never be back unless we have another boy." Cherokee is NOT for her! The next trip will be just Pop and Rafe!
Saturday night was Part 2 of our fireworks show. We decided to shoot them at Pop and Gram's house since they don't have any trees to worry about. However, Cory burned Gram's flowers up by launching the bottle rockets out of her arrangements! Finally we went to downtown Greer to hear Cravin Melon and see more fabulous fireworks. It was really a beautiful show!
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