Next we went to Gram and Pop's house for our yummy lunch. We had a wonderful time spending the day there with aunts, uncles, cousins, and LuLu. I am SO disappointed that I did not get a family picture. We had two inquisitive babies this year and 4 WILD boys six years and under so we were just trying to keep all of Gram's delicate things from getting broken!! Fun was had by all! We have SO much to be thankful for.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thanksgiving Day!
Thanksgiving Day was even more special this year because it was Stella Ross's first Thanksgiving. What a wonderful day we had. It was SO much fun that I didn't get all the pictures I wanted. Thanksgiving morning we introduced Stella Ross to the parade. She was very excited about the floats and music, Cory and Rafe found it more interesting to wrestle! Some things never change!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
11 Months
I can hardly believe my sweet Stella Ross will be 11 months old tomorrow! (pretty neat that she is turning 11 months on Thanksgiving Day and 12 months on Christmas Day!!) I took this picture of her yesterday morning while we were having breakfast. I wanted to always remember what she looks like in the mornings when it is just the two of us at home. I love the swollen eyes from a good night sleep, I love her messed up hair, I love her face covered in fruit and cheerios, I love her innocent and inquisitive eyes absorbing everything I sing to her and talk to her about, I love that she is my little girl!! I know it will not be long until she doesn't want to sit in that high chair, content to just look at me and talk to me, until I am ready for her to get up. So I am going to enjoy our breakfast "chats" for as long as she will let me. Happy 11 month birthday sweet girl. I am so THANKFUL to be your mommy!
A new profession?
So, Rafe came to get my camera last Sunday afternoon while he was playing around with Cory. I just now uploaded these pictures and this is what I found:

Bowser comes to visit!
Our new puppy came to visit for a few hours Monday. We thought it would be good for him, and Stella Ross!!, to get a little familiar with his new home. Bowser had a great time exploring, Stella Ross, however, kept her distance since his brand new, sharp teeth were finding her legs!! I have a feeling I am not going to be able to leave the two of them alone any time soon. Only a couple of weeks and Bowser will be coming home!! We can hardly wait!

Saturday, November 20, 2010
Kindergarten Thanksgiving Play
Friday, Cory and I were invited to a special Thanksgiving play at Rafe's school put on by the entire kindergarten. It was such a wonderful treat and the children did a fantastic job!! Afterwards we were invited back to their classroom for a Thanksgiving feast that was simply delicious! What a wonderful way to celebrate this special time of thanks and giving.
Proud Mama!
Rafe brought this home from school on Wednesday ....
Most importantly, Rafe was very proud of himself
for his good behavior. His teacher caught him being
good during their Thanksgiving play rehearsal
and thought he was deserving of a Chick Fil-A
core essential coupon! Way to go, Rafe!!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
My happy heart!
I LOVE that Stella Ross is old enough to play with Rafe now and I LOVE that Rafe wants to play with Stella Ross. This morning before school Rafe pushed her all around the playroom on his old fire truck and the look on Stella Ross's face was priceless. No matter what Rafe does with her it makes her so happy (and this mommy VERY happy!)

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Grandparents Day
Rafe was so lucky and SO excited to have his Pop and Gram come eat lunch at school with him yesterday. The best part was getting to visit the Book Fair afterwards. I don't think Pop was prepared for all the choices in books Rafe would make!!! Thank you, Pop and Gram, for always supporting Rafe and Stella Ross in everything they do. We are all so blessed and we love you very much.

Friday, November 12, 2010
You know you had a good nap when...
you wake up and your hair looks like this!!!!! Rafe didn't have this much hair until he was 2 1/2 years old, and Stella Ross is getting what Rafe likes to call "a bush". So cute!!

On a side note, Stella Ross is doing so many new things each day. This week she has started standing more without support. She even took her first "baby step" at LuLu's house yesterday. I have a feeling we might just have a walker in the next month or so. She is also talking so much more. She is going to be a talker like her mommy!! She now says, "bu bu" for bubbles and "pu pu" for puppies, in addition to "da da" and "ma ma". How long will it be before she says Rafe, her favorite person? Her favorite word for us to say is "horrible". We have no idea why, but when she hears this word she laughs so hard.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Can you guess the outside temperature?
By looking at this picture of Rafe, you would think it is mid-January and 30 degrees at our house. That was not the case yesterday, but it sure felt like it. It was a freezing 49 degrees when we went out for dinner last night, but it felt MUCH colder. Rafe decided he needed to go back inside and get his hat and gloves. We are in for a LONG winter!!

Look what I can do!!
While we were playing around yesterday,
guess who decided to stand up ALL BY HERSELF?!!
We are SO proud of her!!
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