Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fall Baseball

Rafe is playing baseball this fall and we are all having a blast. We spend every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday night at the ball field. (I think my van would automatically drive there now.) Rafe's baseball field is located at Kid's Planet and Stella Ross has become so accustomed to watching him play that she completely forgets the playground is right around the corner! It could be due to the fact that she has a precious little girl who adores her every move and plays with her the entire game. They are so cute together! This little girl holds her, colors and plays dolls with her, and chases her. It is a win-win for all of us. Rafe is playing with the same group of boys that he has been with since T-ball and we are so thankful for that. He enjoys it and, thankfully, Stella Ross does too!

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