Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Friday, September 26, 2008
Haunted House!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Rafe's Party!
On Sunday afternoon we celebrated Rafe's birthday at Chuck E. Cheese's with his friends. Everyone really seemed to have a good time. Rafe enjoyed the skee-ball and, of course, his Superman cake. We decided it would be easier for Rafe to open his birthday presents at home. It worked great to get him out of Chuck E. Cheese's!!! We did not get in the door good and he was ripping into the boxes. He LOVED everything and had a hard time deciding what to play with first. Pop even got arrested as a result of Rafe's new Police Officer costume. It was really nice to be back in the Upstate so we could have a party with his family and friends. Thanks to everyone that came. You really made Rafe's birthday special.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Rafe's Birthday!
What a GREAT day we had yesterday on Rafe's 4th birthday. Who would have thought, but I actually had to wake Rafe up to open presents!? He was SO excited to see all of the balloons and decorations in the house. He immediately tore into his presents and started playing. Next we picked Gram up for doughnuts before school. I told Rafe we would make anything he wanted for his special treat at school and he chose Superheroes popsicles!
Now for the funny story of the day: Gram and I went back to Rafe's school for his birthday party. I read a very cute book, If You Give A Moose A Muffin, to his class. While I was reading I asked the children if they knew what "jam" was? (I totally set myself up for this!) Rafe immediately said, "toe jam!" I could have crawled under a chair! I did not know what to do. Luckily a little girl chimed in and said, "My grandmother said jam was jelly." We left it at that. That was CLASSIC Rafe!
After school we went to the mall to Build-A-Bear. We had a wonderful time building a pirate turtle on skates! Rafe pulled it all over the mall! We ate lunch there, (Rafe had his favorite, "sawcheez pizza") and picked up his big chocolate chip cookie.
Last night Rafe had a soccer game (if you call it that!). Once again Rafe had a great time cheering on his team and finding every excuse he could not to set foot on the field. After soccer we went to Moe's and then back to our house where his grandparents came to have cookie and ice cream and, of course, more gifts.
Needless to say we were all exhausted after such a busy day, but I would not have changed any of it. It was so nice to be able to celebrate Rafe's special day with our family. We had not done that since he was one! We are so happy to be living close again.
Now Rafe is gearing up for a busy weekend. He is going to the USC football game tomorrow and then his birthday party with friends is Sunday. We are looking forward to all of it!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Rafe is turning 4!!
*You love anything and everything related to Super Heroes, Batman, the Joker, etc. Your favorite is Batman, although lately you are loving Superman.
*You love to catch any critter and put them in your bug box. You were really good at catching critters when we lived in Charleston.
*You LOVE to dress-up. We have a costume box FULL of costumes. You usually put one on first thing in the morning and still wear part of it (helmet, gloves, etc.) wherever we go that day.
*You cannot get in the car without taking some sort of toy from your room.
*You started playing soccer in August. You enjoy practicing, but decided you liked the view from the sidelines better during the games!!!
*You LOVE to dance. I must say you have some good moves. We are going to have to work on them before you get older!! We have a talent show most nights before you go to bed. Your favorite song is "Play that Funky Music, White Boy".
*Your favorite holiday, by far, is Halloween. You start planning what you are going to be in January and can hardly wait for your birthday to be over so we can start decorating the house!
*You love to go to school. You enjoy playing on the playground with William and staying to eat lunch on Thursday's with him.
*You are EXTREMELY funny. You are very quick witted to be 4 years old!
*Your favorite color is green
*Your favorite foods are okra, steak, chicken soup, yogurt, "sawchez" pizza, ice cream and nachos.
*Your favorite drinks are orange juice, sweet tea and Sprite
*You love Buck and enjoy helping me feed and bathe him. You would love to have a cat, but we have not convinced Daddy yet.
*You love "viveos". Your favorite movies are Peter Pan, Toy Story, Chicken Little, Monsters, Inc. and The Incredibles. You will probably be an actor one day. You can quote movies quite well!
*You love for Daddy to do "magic" every night before you go to bed. It is amazing what he can pull out of your ear!!
*You go to bed around 8:30 every night and are up before the roosters on the farm! (usually around 6:00!!)
*You love to play baseball. We have nice baseball games with Daddy, Pop and Gram.
*You have met many new friends since we moved to Greer, but when asked who you most like to play with you immediately say, "Caroline"
*You love the Gamecocks and enjoy going to the football games.
*You love to ride your new bike and scooter. We usually go outside after breakfast and ride around the neighborhood*Your favorite places to eat are Moe's and Miyabi's
*You love going to church and seeing your friends. You are learning so much in your Sunday School class. I am very impressed!
*You love to torment Buck by chasing him around the house with your dump truck. He even jumped on your bed to get away from you.
*Your favorite places to go are Monkey Joe's and Chuck E Cheese's
*You love to get in the dog pens at Pop's house and get on top of the dog house like Lilly.
*You love to help anybody to anything. I guess I should take advantage of this now while you are so eager!
*You have adjusted well to a new house and new friends. We left all of our buddies in Charleston in June and moved to Greer. You are now enjoying getting spoiled by your grandparents.
I love you so much. Happy Birthday!!
Let the Celebrations Begin!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
How Precious!
1. "I want a Build-A-Bear". This is easy. I was already planning to take him on his birthday!
2. "I want that vampire costume, Mommy. I'm going to be a vampire for Halloween." This came as a COMPLETE surprise since the Superman costume he wanted for the last 4 weeks came in the mail yesterday!
3. "I want a baby brother or sister." How precious is that? Those of you who know Rafe understand how much he desperately wants a sister or brother. He doesn't understand that we can't just "get one" in a week. Hopefully it will happen for him soon. Continue to pray for this with us!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
New Music!
Hot Dog!!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Baby Bob
Monday, September 8, 2008
Craft Day!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Future Actor???
Rafe LOVES movies. After he has seen one about two times he can quote every line. Here are some of his favorites: