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Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 13, 2011

SNOW much fun!

We have had a VERY exciting week. We got an unusual amount of snow on Monday and have had a fantastic time playing and sledding. Monday morning we woke up to a winter wonderland and it continued to snow off and on all day bringing us around 8 inches total! HOW EXCITING!! I have always loved snow and it has not snowed like this since I was a child. Stella Ross is not a big fan of the snow yet, hopefully!! She does not like to be cold and since she has been under the weather this week she did not go out in it much. Rafe's favorite part of the snow has been snowball fights and "punching" the snow. He had a blast Tuesday morning after it froze over just pretending he was Hulk and the snow was bad guys. What a boy he is!! Rafe has not had school one day this week and we have really enjoyed staying up late playing games, watching old home movies and not having anything to do! One thing that we have accomplished this week, WE HOPE!!, is potty training Bowser. It could be that he absolutely hates to have his feet wet in the snow, but he goes outside to use the bathroom quickly and has not had an accident in over a week. YAY!!!

I LOVE this picture. Rafe and Stella Ross enjoyed
watching the snow fall.

SR was the happiest IN the house!

She takes her buggy apart and sits in it herself.

our "gummy" snowman. Rafe did not want
to use too many gummies on the snowman so
he could eat the rest!

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