Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wild Wednesday!

Today has been a busy, fun day. Rafe and I went to a class at Greenville Zoo this morning. It was fabulous! The children learned all about the creatures in their backyard and we all know how "critters" fascinate Rafe. They had creation stations set up all around the room for the children to explore. He even got to hold an empty turtle shell, a hummingbird nest and a rabbit. They made squirrels and adorable ladybug cookies. I was really impressed with everything they did. We both had a great time.

When we got home his new teacher, Mrs. Bagley, came to visit him. She brought Rafe a t-shirt and crayons and talked to him about their exciting school year. He is looking forward to his classroom because they have a tent in it!! During her visit she asked Rafe some questions for their class book. I was surprised at all of his answers. Here they are:
  • What is your favorite color? green
  • What is your favorite food? okra
  • What is your favorite restaurant? Miyabi's
  • What is your favorite toy? my robot (he hasn't played with it since Christmas day)
  • What is your favorite TV show? Batman

After Mrs. Bagley left we headed to the dentist. Rafe was wonderful in the chair, as always. He loves to go to the dentist and watch the silly monkeys get their teeth cleaned on TV.

Isn't it funny how everything always happens on the same day?!

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