Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Craft Day!

This morning Rafe and I did a couple of crafts together. The first one was decorating a gingerbread, haunted house. It was quite challenging to get any of the candy actually on the house before Rafe ate it!! He also enjoyed making himself look like a pirate with the black icing! Every time he walks by the haunted house now he tries to break off a piece of candy or coconut grass. We will see how much of it is left by the time Halloween rolls around!

After we made the haunted house Rafe and I took on making orange play-doh for his classroom. I have never made homemade play-doh and was pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to do! This is one of Rafe's favorite things to play with so he was pumped to actually make some "all by myself!" (it even smells like oranges!)

After being in the kitchen ALL morning, Rafe and I went outside to enjoy the beautiful weather. They recently cleared out the lot beside our house and Rafe decided to ride his gator all around it. He absolutely had a ball. Rafe rode his gator until the battery finally gave out! (I tried to video and walk at the same time so excuse how bumpy it is!)

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