Tuesday, August 31, 2010
New tricks!
Stella Ross is SO much fun these days. She has the absolute best personality. She is extremely sweet and just an overall very happy baby! These past couple of days she has discovered two new tricks: clapping her hands and playing peek-a-boo. She is so excited and does them ALL the time. I tried to take some pictures but it was hard to get the clapping in action with my camera:(

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Time Flies!
It seems like just yesterday Rafe was crawling in this tunnel for the first time. Now he gets to enjoy it as a big brother. How fun!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Stella Ross is READY!
We got these adorable leg warmers for Stella Ross to wear to her new gym class - Gymboree! She just HAD to try them on!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
8 Months!
Our sweet Stella Ross is 8 months old today. We thank God every day that he blessed us with this precious little girl. "I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him" 1 Samuel 1:27
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Three's A Charm???
Friday, August 20, 2010
Reality setting in!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth!
Today was a "tooth" day at our house. After weeks of speculation I discovered this morning that Stella Ross is indeed cutting tooth number three and possibly four and five all this week. :( Bless her heart. No wonder my sweet and laid-back little princess has been a little uneasy the last few days. Thank goodness for Orajel!! On the flip side, my little school boy discovered this afternoon that his top front teeth are now loose! What?? It is going to be extremely difficult for Rafe to eat when he is missing his front four teeth. How cute will he be then??!! Rafe is already anxious about how much the tooth fairy will bring him for these "big" teeth.
Sneak Peek!
I am already getting into LOTS of trouble buying Stella Ross clothes. It is SO much fun buying cute clothes for her. We are working on her Christmas wardrobe and I tried one of her new outfits on her this morning. Look how sweet she looks!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Who's going over my bridge?
Pop and Gram took Rafe on a little trip Saturday to Helen, Georgia for a back to school treat. This is what he came home with!! Rafe has always loved trolls and found this two-headed one to be extra special. Trolls are supposed to protect you so we have been putting it in Rafe's room each night to make the "monsters" go away!! It seems to help!

May the force be with you!
Rafe is a big Star Wars fan so Cory helped him become a Jedi. Rafe concentrated REAL hard on this crayon and was able to make it move with only his eyes.
P.S. If YOU look REAL hard you might figure out the secret!! Rafe was so cute with this. They must have done it a thousand times and he never caught on. He is totally convinced he moved the crayon with his "force"!!

P.S. If YOU look REAL hard you might figure out the secret!! Rafe was so cute with this. They must have done it a thousand times and he never caught on. He is totally convinced he moved the crayon with his "force"!!
Simple Fun
I was putting Stella Ross's diapers up the other day and she found this box to be so much fun!! Who needs toys??!!

Naked Babies
Stella Ross was playing the other day in just her diaper (and, of course, her bow!) and Rafe decided to join in all the fun!

The BIG day! - Rafe's first day of Kindergarten
Well, my BABY has officially started school. Rafe's "first day of school" was a two-day affair. Monday, the first day, was technically an orientation. Rafe only had to stay an hour. The assistant did an activity with the children while the teacher talked to the parents about the upcoming year. I thought this was such a wonderful idea. It got Rafe into the classroom to figure out what it was all about and it gave Cory and me a better idea of what to expect during the year. PLUS my little buddy got to come home with me and that made us both happy! This morning was his first day of "all day" kindergarten. He was so excited and knew exactly what to do when we got to school. (I even had to make him tell my bye!)
It is with a very heavy heart that I move into to this new chapter in Rafe's life. I know he will have a great year and I will be right there with him to cheer him on!
is so thrilled for him!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk!
Stella Ross has decided to try this "talking" thing out this week and she is getting pretty good at it! She talks ALL THE TIME! It is the cutest thing ever. Now if I can just get her to say "Mommy"!
Meet the Teacher
Tonight was Meet-the-Teacher night at Rafe's new school. It was WONDERFUL! Rafe was so excited to see his new classroom and meet his teacher. He has a great group of kids in his classroom and several that he already plays with which should be a lot of fun. After tonight I suddenly don't feel as sad about him going to school anymore. I don't know if it is the teacher in me, or what, but I am just filled with so much excitement for him. Don't get me wrong there will definitely be some tears on Monday, but I know he is going to have a fantastic year and I cannot think of a better place for him to be!

(she was my kindergarten aide and Rafe is SO
lucky to have her as well!)
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