Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Friday, August 20, 2010

Reality setting in!

Today was the last day I could walk Rafe into school without a visitor pass. I have loved every minute of this week making sure he got into his classroom, making sure he put his lunch in the right place, helping him get his folder out of his book bag, but most importantly getting my goodbye kiss. It finally hit me this morning that my little boy is all grown up now and I am just NOT ready for this! I am very proud of how well he has done with school this week. He has loved every minute of each day and really handled the transition extremely well. I have been surprisingly pretty good, as well, but come Monday morning when that van door closes behind my baby and I see him walk all by himself into that BIG school I am not going to be able to hold back the tears. I knew this day would come I just didn't know it would be this soon.

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