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Monday, October 11, 2010

Fun Fall Weekend!

We had a very busy, but very fun weekend. Friday night was the fall festival at Rafe's school. As a child I can remember having a blast at our fall festival and I do believe Rafe enjoyed his. After playing games and jumping he seemed to have the most fun playing on the playground with all of his school buddies.

Rafe and his buddy, Landon

the best game, The Cakewalk!!

Who is that??

I don't have any pictures of Saturday, but needless to say EVERYONE in our house had a great day!! GO GAMECOCKS!!

Sunday afternoon we went with Pop and Gram to the zoo. This was Stella Ross's first visit to the zoo and she loved it. I think her favorite animal, along with her brother, was the monkey!

I love this picture. This says it all about
Rafe and the elephants!!!

Stella Ross enjoyed her view of the monkeys

Rafe does LOVE the monkeys and
the funny sounds they make

What a fun afternoon!

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