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Monday, December 13, 2010

All I Want For Christmas....

Stella Ross is still traumatized

We went to visit Santa Claus at the mall and it was EXACTLY like I expected. Rafe was never a big fan of the jolly ol' man in person and I knew Stella Ross would be the same way. It was priceless. We talk about Santa Claus all the time, say "HO HO HO", sing songs about him, read stories about him but nothing prepared SR for the actual meeting. We waited in line and she seemed so excited. Even doing "HO HO HO" in her own way. Then when it was time to sit in his lap, well let's just say, I am still wearing the battle scars she left on my neck. I quickly threw her in his lap and moved out of the picture. She was pitiful!! I left Rafe on his lap while he went over his wish list and even heard him tell Santa to bring his sister a baby doll. How sweet. Hopefully next year will be better..... but I am not counting on it!!

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